Identifying Conserved Human RNA Structures Using RNAz-LocARNA-RNAz Analysis Pipeline
I’ve just submitted my first conference paper to 10th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB 2019): Identifying Conserved Human RNA Structures Using RNAz-LocARNA-RNAz Analysis Pipeline, co-authored with Hosna Jabbari. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
Abstract: Identification of conserved RNA structures is of great importance in establishing causes of and potential therapeutic targets for genetic diseases. It has been estimated that over half of human genetic disease is due to alternative or disrupted RNA splicing, possibly caused by interrupted/damaged common structural functional motifs. Here we adapt the recently described analysis pipeline of Thiel, et al. to identify conserved RNA structures. While the original pipeline was used for identification of conserved structural features in a large mammalian set referenced to mouse genome, we restrict our model to seven mammalian species — mouse, human, rhesus, rabbit, pig, horse, and dog. These species are mostly used as models for human disease. Our objective is to assess the utility of this analysis pipeline when used with smaller, more focused data sets. While we reproduced the results of Thiel, et al. on similar species, we successfully identified two transcripts tagged as novel in the Ensemble transcript database: 458769.1 and 408377.1, Both are microRNAs. We have also identified 43 genes tagged as novel, including CASC17 and LINC00536, both of which are associated with human diseases (including atrial fibrillation, breast cancer, prostate cancer, schizophrenia, and systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis). The majority of genes thus identified have multiple transcripts (splicing variants).
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Bioinformatics Pipeline Presentation
This coming Wednesday, I’ll be giving this presentation to Prof Jabbari’s bioinformatics algorithms class.
Summer Project
Among all the other things I have on my plate, this summer I’ll be coding a simulator for a combinatorial architecture proposed back in 1998 by Berkovitch and Berkovitch. Their paper “presents a new principle for microprocessor design based on a pairwise-balanced combinatorial arrangement of processing and memory elements.” This was suggested to me by Prof Alan Ling.
Just an exercise at this point. Should be fun. ;)
[1] E. Berkovitch and S. Berkovitch. A combinatorial architecture for instruction-level parallelism. Microprocessors and Microsystems 22 (1998) 23-31.
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Art Spiegelman: How Not To Position a Lavalier Mic
Art Spiegelman is speaking at UVM right now. What is the subject of his talk? Something about comics and graphic novels, I gather, but beyond that I could not say.
An acute listener could, however, ascertain a great deal regarding the resonant frequencies of Mr Spiegelman’s chest cavity.
A badly positioned microphone and inept sound reinforcement meant that only the lower frequencies emanating from Mr Spiegelman’s general vicinity were amplified. (I wondered if he might be wearing his microphone inside his jacket.) Projected from speakers on either side of the hall, the first thing to reach the listener’s ears were booms and muffled sounds like one might hear through the walls of a cheap hotel. These drowned out the natural unamplified sound of Mr Spiegelman’s voice.
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Cook Demolition
Cook is coming down!
Quantitative Reasoning
UVM adds quantitative reasoning requirement for general education. Good move.
Memo: Approval of a proposal for a University-wide General Education requirement in Quantitative Reasoning
Ramsey Theory
Giving a presentation on Ramsey Theory today. Wish me luck!
Chalk Fairies Are Real!
Earlier this AM I saw a chalk fairy—a real bona fide, honest-to-goodness chalk fairy. He was extremely diminutive and looked to be about 100 years old. Sighting occurred in Votey.
LaTeX Styles for Fitch
If you’re studying logic at UVM, and if you’re interested in creating Fitch-style proofs in LaTex, and if you want them to look like the proofs that are presented in Language, Proof, and Logic (2011; Barker-Plummer, Barwise, and Etchemendy; CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA), then this fork of Peter Selinger’s LaTeX macros for Fitch style natural deduction is for you!
https://github.com/cbcafiero/fitchsty Selinger is Professor of Mathematics at Dalhousie University. His website is http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger I have only given his macros a tiny tweak.
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My Valentine's Day Message To Gary Derr
via email
Dear Mr. Derr:
I usually read your email messages with great gusto. However, your most recent Announcement and Events excludes an item of such importance that it must be reported – it cannot be swept under the rug! Of course, I am referring the results of the recent poll conducted on MyUVM where students indicated, by an overwhelming majority of 95%, that you – yes, YOU – were the thing they most loved about UVM. You won by a landslide. This is new. (Poll results attached.)
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