
Embarrassment of Riches

2017 August 16

Seen about town today… Oh, my. An embarrassment of riches. Where to begin? Clothing… A tee-shirt emblazoned in the Facebook logo typeface with the word “Farcebook”. A bikini top with cups made of stitched-together cowrie shells. Another tee-shirt reading “I think you want some cake.” Sleeping people… A young man, sitting on a park bench, asleep, head thrown back, mouth agape, drooling. On his chest he wears a baby in a Snugli, asleep, head thrown back, mouth agape, drooling. ... Read more …

Tags: burlington

Progress On "Mobile Home"

2017 August 11

Seen about town today… Progress on the “mobile home” (see photos; and yes, those are solar panels on top). The owner was nowhere in sight today. An old lady pushing her very old pup in a baby carriage. A fellow on a long, elaborate motor-trike, with Elmo bungeed to the back seat.

Tags: burlington

Meerschaum Pipe

2017 August 4

Seen about town today… Not 100% certain, but I’m pretty sure the guy I passed on the sidewalk with the Meerschaum pipe had it filled with weed.

Tags: burlington

Bicycling To Montréal

2017 July 21

Seen about town today… Sixteen kids on bicycles, loaded with gear. “Where are you headed?” I asked. “Montréal.” “And when do you get there?” “Next Tuesday.” Also: Three car fender-bender on Main, between University and Prospect.

Tags: burlington

Mobile Home

2017 July 21

On Pine, between Main and College, a fellow had a frame or armature of some sort laid out on the ground. At first I thought he might be making a kayak or skiff, but I noticed it had a single wheel mounted at one end. Then I saw another piece standing up behind him. “What are you making?” I asked. “My home.” he answered. Then after a moment, he added “It will be a small home.” ... Read more …

Tags: burlington

Tantrums, Vultures, and More

2017 July 17

Seen about town today… A wee child, less than two, having the most expertly executed flailing temper-tantrum I have ever witnessed, right on the lawn of City Hall Park. A group of turkey vultures, feeding on a large carcass (deer?) about 50 to 60 meters from the road. A tour guide at UVM saying “There’s like lots of opportunities for UVM students here. Like really good opportunities. Like there’s a shuttle bus to campus if you don’t feel like walking.” (cringe) ... Read more …

Tags: burlington

A Lamb With Sharp Teeth

2017 July 11

Overheard on Church Street today… Two homeless men watching people walk by. A woman had a Bichon Frise on a leash. A: “Look there! That lady got a lamb!” B: “That’s a dog, dumbshit.” A: “Looks like a lamb to me.” B: “It’s got sharp teeth.” A: “Then it’s a lamb with sharp teeth. HEY LADY YOU GOT A LAMB WITH SHARP TEETH, HUH?” A block farther north, I encountered two men wearing matching blue, tropical motif shorts. They were arguing. C: “Yes, you can.” ... Read more …

Tags: burlington

Baby Rabbit

2017 July 8

Seen about town today… A car with North Dakota plates A cottonwood tree about four feet tall, growing out of the pavement Two young women furiously making out in a parked car A man trying to hold very still, taking a photo of a baby rabbit frozen on the grass, while his dog strained at the leash

Tags: burlington

Strange Exercise

2017 June 30

Seen about town today… Gentlemen pitching pennies on Main Street A very new-looking, upscale pickup truck with a roof-mounted Domino’s sign, A fellow wearing a banana hammock doing jumping jacks in front of a picture window, A house with twenty US flags out front, all ready for Independence Day, A lawn sign reading “Keep off grass until dry” (it’s rained every day for a fortnight).

Tags: burlington


2017 June 21

Seen about town today… A man walking around with an orange tabby cat perched on his shoulder like a parrot (if you live in Burlington you probably know who I’m talking about) A man pushing a woman in a shopping cart

Tags: burlington