Proper Gardening Attire
Seen about town today…
Passing by the community garden early this afternoon, I saw a man on his knees, digging and planting. He was being supervised and, it seems, lectured by a young girl, maybe six or seven, in a geranium-colored tutu. (for Joan Solomon Frank)
Mortal Combat
Seen about town today…
Walking downtown, I saw two sparrows on the sidewalk, locked in mortal combat—beaks, claws, the works. A real tussle. I told them to knock it off and they flew away.
Seen about town today…
Raindrops the size of grapes
March For Science
March for Science, UVM / Burlington, VT. I was pleased to see so many people!
Detroit Lions
Seen about town today…
Woman in her mid- to late-30s wearing a pinafore. Yes, a real, bonafide pinafore, over her dress.
A homeless fellow, chanting “I’m going to be here a BIT. I’m going to be here a BIT. I’m going to be here a BIT.”
A fellow wearing a Detroit Lions hat and a Detroit Lions jersey, with a Detroit Lions tattoo on his neck.
A Musical Day
Seen (and heard) about town today…
I had to do a double-take while driving. At first, I was certain Tom Hulce was tailgating me in his Mozart wig.
A fellow in a fishing hat and plaid backpack stumbled out of a store on College Street singing “La donna è mobile” from Rigoletto.
A wizened old guy drove by on Winooski Street in a tan Prius. He was 80 if he was a day. Windows down, Rage Against the Machine cranked all the way up, playing “Bulls on Parade.” The old guy was shaking his head in time.
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Mavis and the Lottery
Seen about town today…
A three-year-old named “Mavis”. She almost ran over my foot with her tricycle. “Mavis” is one I haven’t heard in a while.
A man with a radiant smile. He looked me straight in the eye, and threw the remains of a shredded scratch-off lottery ticket on the sidewalk.
At the farmer’s market in City Hall Park.
Woman in crowd (60-ish, with NY accent): You smell like soy sauce.
Me: I’m afraid you’re mistaken. You’re smelling the Tibetan momo stand over there.
W: Oh, I suppose you’re right. Sorry.
M: This place is a cacophony of smells, there’s maple-flavored everything, and sausages grilling—I even got a whiff of weed just a moment ago.
W (suddenly lights up; looking around): Oh really? Where? Over there on the lawn?
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American Beauty
Seen about town today…
The plastic bag from American Beauty made a brief appearance on St Paul Street today, between Main and King. About 60 - 70 seconds.
On the Road Again
Seen about town today…
A town cop, mercilessly tailgating in a 35 mph zone
A dude straight from the Jersey shore, listening to happy house and twitching insanely ON EVERY BEAT
A truck with a huge American flag and a bumper sticker reading “Does my flag offend you? Call 1-800-EAT-SH*T-AND-DIE”
A young, scruffy-looking coyote, sauntering across the road with a vaguely bewildered look
License plates: OMYGOLF and SNAPDRGN
Four twentysomethings with a baby in the back seat, passing around what appeared to be an enormous cigar.
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