A Lamb With Sharp Teeth
Overheard on Church Street today…
- Two homeless men watching people walk by. A woman had a Bichon Frise on a leash.
A: “Look there! That lady got a lamb!”
B: “That’s a dog, dumbshit.”
A: “Looks like a lamb to me.”
B: “It’s got sharp teeth.”
A: “Then it’s a lamb with sharp teeth. HEY LADY YOU GOT A LAMB WITH SHARP TEETH, HUH?”
- A block farther north, I encountered two men wearing matching blue, tropical motif shorts. They were arguing.
C: “Yes, you can.”
D: “No, I can’t.”
C: “Yes, you can.”
D: “No, I can’t.”
C: “Yes, you can.”
D: “No, I can’t.”
C: “Yes, you can.”
D: “No, I can’t.”
C: “Yes, you can.”
D: “No, I can’t…”